Fortbildung in Osteopathie des Vinxel Institute of Osteopathy

Osteopathic Treatment of Arteries and Viscera

In this 3-day course You can experience Eric´s own way to treat the Viscerals osteopathically by using Stromaviscoelasticity, treatment of arteries of the organs and classical visceral treatment according to Barral and Kuchera as published in Eric´s books.

Organs consist largely of connective tissue – the stroma. It is the scaffold of an organ. This connective tissue behaves like all connective tissue in the body viscous and elastic. Disturbances in the region of the stroma changes the density of an organ and lead to dysfunctions. With experienced hands the changes in the stroma can be detected and eliminated.

In this concept, organs are considered as fascial structures. It is not the mobility disorders of an organ that are focused here, but the therapy is aimed at a fascial balance of the organ´s stroma.

Also in this course you will learn the palpation and treatment of organ and other body arteries and classical visceral treatment according to Barral and Kuchera as published in Eric´s books.


Intensive 3-day seminar with Eric Hebgen D.O.® M.R.O. Course script included


Friday to Sunday from 09:00-17:00h


Eric Hebgen D.O.

  • Functional anatomy of the organs Osteopathic visceral chains
  • Osteopathic Diagnosis of the Viscerals
  • Palpation and treatment of Stromaviscoelasticity and arteries of the organs Treatment of the viscerals of the thorax, abdomen and the pelvic organs
  • Circulatory treatment of the viscera according to Kuchera
  • Osteopathic findings, analysis, treatment planning and control


Dieser Kurs ist Teil der Kursserie "afa - applied fascial adjustment".


max. 24


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