Visceral Manipulation in Osteopathy

AppleMarkEric Hebgen


This clinically-oriented book for the first time presents an overview of the four popular treatment concepts of visceral manipulation in a clearly structured form arranged by organs.

  • Barral's concept: An introduction to the approach to visceral manipulation that is most well-known in Europe. This information will give you access to the treatment of the internal organs.
  • The concept developed by Finet and Williame: The fascial treatment method for the viscera, for the first time in German.
  • Visceral manipulation according to Kuchera and Kuchera: This American method, which was originally focused on the functional cycles, is here transferred to the individual organs.
  • The reflex points according to Chapman: They complement the visceral techniques as our fourth treatment concept.

This IFAO textbook is directed at all readers who work with osteopathic treatment methods. The clearly structured presentation of the visceral techniques and the extensive theoretical part offers security for the beginner. In addition, though, you will find abundant illustrations of the macroscopic anatomy and topography of the organs. These are provided for the experienced therapist in daily practice and will save you the step of skimming through numerous different anatomy texts.

You also find a presentation of the significance of the central tendon in osteopathic therapy and the inclusion of the organ-tooth-interrelationship.


International Editions:

Spanish edition, first edition 2005

French edition, first edition 2005

English edition, firdt edition 2010


pdf_icon_klein.gif Introduction (240 KB)
pdf_icon_klein.gif Pancreas (369 KB)
pdf_icon_klein.gif Pancreas Techniques (929 KB)
pdf_icon_klein.gif Thorax (266 KB)
 height= Thorax Techniques


 height= Preface by Prof. Michael L. Kuchera D.O., FAAO (English edition)

"Hebgen has provided what I consider to be the best current introduction to visceral manipulation in German. A clear structure, high-quality photographic illustrations, precise therapeutic instructions, and the well-arranged anatomical charts allow for easy orientation."

(Krankengymnastik, June 2004)