List of Services
We offer the following treatment methods:
- Physiotherapy
- Physiotherapy based in neurophysiology (according to Bobath and PNF), for peripheral and central neurological disorders (certified)
- Manual therapy (certified)
- Lymphatic drainage (certified)
- Traditional massage
- Brügger therapy (certified)
- Schroth therapy
- Respiratory therapy
- McKenzie therapy (certified)
- Dorn-Breuß therapy (certified)
- Brunkow therapy (certified)
- Foot reflex zone therapy (certified)
- Back therapy training (certified)
- Osteoporosis gymnastics (certified)
- Progressive relaxation according to Jacobsen (relaxation therapy)
- Manual therapy according to Maitland
- Heat therapy
- Hot rolls
- Fango packs
- Ice
- Tractions and loop table
- House calls